真正的快樂,是無求的,「到無求處便無憂」。你無所求,這才是真正的快樂,真正自性的穩定、平安。(true happiness)

宣公上人: 我所要說的,人啊!樂極會生悲,不要樂極了,不要快樂到極點;快樂到極點,悲極就來了。










我所說的這個快樂是什麼呢?你不爭是快樂,不貪是快樂,無所求這是快樂,你不自私這是快樂,你不自利更是快樂,你不打妄語,這才是真正快樂。你打妄語,你於心就會有愧,覺得這是騙人了。你就算不覺得,在你良心上,也覺得有了污點了,對不起良心了。你若是一個沒有良心的人,那就又當別論啦!所以現在人心不古、道德淪亡、世風日下,在這種情形之下,我們要趕快醒悟。怎麼樣醒悟呢?我們做學生的,要好好讀書,朝於斯,夕於斯,這個「昔仲尼,師項橐」,要能「如負薪,如掛角」,「囊螢映雪」,這樣子,才夠上一個讀書的人。不是那麼整天就想自在,想安樂,想不讀書,追求快樂去;這不是快樂!Ven. Master Hsuan Hua: What I want to say is, “Too much happiness leads to sorrow.” If you become extremely happy, you will feel sad afterwards. Whether or not you believe this principle, that is what I say. I say what I feel like saying regardless of whether people believe it or not. This is what I will say even if you consider me someone who doesn’t know how to speak. I haven’t come here just to flatter you with words of praise. I know that all of you who share the same vows, whether you are elderly, middle-aged, or young, have heard a lot of that kind of talk. Now I’ll give you something that tastes different and say some things that you don’t like to hear. I will tell you not to pursue happiness. 
What is happiness? True happiness is not worldly happiness. Rather, it is a happiness that is always present in your own mind, which you need not look for outside. If you seek outside, you won’t find the ultimate happiness. If you want the ultimate happiness, you must have considerable cultivation, considerable learning, and considerable attainment. Only then will there be peace and joy in your own nature, which is the real happiness. If you seek for happiness outside, you may attain it, but it will only last for a moment. If you fail to attain it, you will be full of afflictions. If you are insatiably greedy, you worry about getting things, and then you worry about losing them. None of this is true happiness. True happiness comes from not seeking anything. When you reach the state of seeking nothing, you have no worries. Seeking nothing, you have true happiness, and your nature is stable and tranquil. 
You can search outside all you want, but you won’t find true happiness anywhere. The enjoyment we pursue in this world—eating, drinking, making merry, driving an expensive car, owning a plane, or buying a ship and taking a cruise—is this happiness? This is just wasting your energy and wasting your wisdom. True wisdom cannot be found in these external things. True joy comes from being carefree and happy. We all have this within us, and we need not search outside for it. But people always seek outside themselves, and end up cheating, flattering, and fighting one another in order to obtain an artificial happiness. The Buddha said such people are to be pitied. They are lamentable. So do not forsake what is fundamental to pursue the superficial. Do not act in an up-side down way. What I’ve just said is something no one likes to hear. 
What do I call happiness? Not fighting is happiness. Not being greedy is happiness. Seeking nothing is happiness. Not being selfish is happiness. Not wanting to benefit yourself is happiness even more. Not telling lies—that’s true happiness. If you lie, you will feel remorse in your heart because you know you have deceived someone, and there will be a stain on your conscience. If you are a person with no conscience, that’s another story. People’s minds are not the way they were in ancient times; morality has perished; and the world deteriorates day by day. In this situation, we must quickly awaken. How can we awaken? If we are students, we should apply ourselves diligently, studying in the morning and in the evening. In the past, Zhong Ni (Confucius) took Xiang Tuo as his teacher. We must pursue our studies as earnestly as the woodcutter who put his book on a log he was hauling, the oxherd who hung his book from the horn of the ox he was riding, the student who studied at night by the light of fireflies collected in a pouch, or the boy who read by the moonlight reflected off the snow. Only then can we be considered true students. We should not just seek ease and comfort all day long and enjoy ourselves instead of studying. That is not happiness.
Now I want to tell you something that you may not be aware of yet. In the United States, and in the West generally, education is totally bankrupt. However, like the person who plugs his ears and steals a bell thinking that other people will not hear the bell, they claim that their educational system can still manage. Why do I say that Western education is bankrupt? Because Western educators have discarded the ethics of human relationships. Parents and children do not know their place, and the old and the young do not know their roles. In the West, children do not address their father as “Father.” Instead, they call their fathers by name. The order between elders and the young, and between superiors and subordinates, has been messed up. 
Broken families are widespread; ninety-nine percent of the marriages in America end in divorce. If the children live with their father, all day long they hear him rant about how terrible their mother was. “If she hadn’t been so bad, I wouldn’t have divorced her,” the father tells them. The children think, “Oh, how awful my mother is! How I hate women!” So you see, those children end up hating women. If the children live with their mother, she keeps telling them how awful their father was. “That’s why I divorced him,” she says. The children end up hating their father. They get annoyed whenever they see a man, because they think every man must be that terrible.

*Source 文章出處: Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 (宣公上人創辦)


真正的快樂 英文
(true happiness)
首頁影音 ▶故事 ▶語錄 



▶《玄一讀經修定》決定一生的關鍵字 標籤

人生如夢 人生沒有什麼不可放下 人生就是一場夢 人生寶鑑 人命無常呼吸間 人貴自知之明 人間佛教語錄 人類 八個字 八關齋戒 十大願王導歸極樂 十方禪林與南懷瑾老師 十念必生 十善業道經 三世因果六道輪迴 三字經 三昧 三毒 三界如夢 三歲小孩都知道 三寶 上天給你的禮物 上帝 凡夫俗子 千錘百鍊成鋼 口訣 大公無私 大方廣佛華嚴經 大佛頂首楞嚴經 大乘佛法 大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章 女戒為天下太平之根本 女鬼 小心 不可思議 不安 不住於相如如不動 不要強迫他人醒來 不殺生 不簡單的事 中國文化 中國老祖宗 五戒 五戒殺盜淫妄酒 五逆十惡 五常仁義禮智信 什麼人假得出來 什麼是迷信 內神通外鬼 六道 六道輪迴 勿介入別人的因果 天道 天道好還 太上感應篇 心咒 心法 心病應以心藥醫 心理學 心經 文言文—開啟智慧寶藏的鑰匙 文昌帝君陰騭文 日本企業家 日本航空公司相關人物 日有所思夜有所夢 毛毛蟲變蝴蝶 毛毛蟲變蝴蝶 —癌細胞變快樂佛細胞 毛病 父母 世界為什麼有戰爭 主人翁 以般若為導_以淨土為歸 出三界 功夫 古文觀止 可憐憫者 台肥案件 台灣靈巖山寺 四書五經 弘一大師 必須明白這一件事 玄一心經 玄一成語暗藏玄機 玄一學佛修行 玄天上帝 玄奘 玉歷寶筏 生日 生死如夢 生死有命富貴在天 生死夢 生命的真相 生從何來死往何去 生滅滅已寂滅為樂 用寧靜心擁抱世界 白雲老禪師,以法為師 石碑 立牌位 光明 全唐文 列子臆說 印光大師 印光大師文鈔 印光大師文鈔菁華錄 印光法師 印光法師文鈔 印證 吃素念佛 名利 回向 因果 因果教育 因果報應故事 在世人物 地獄 地藏菩薩本願經 地藏經 多行善事必有善報 如何改造命運的原理與方法 如釋重負 妄言失志 妄想 宇宙人生的真相 安士全書 安心 成佛之道 成佛道 成就 成語暗藏玄機 成德法師 成德法師-蔡禮旭老師 朱鏡宙老居士 死後做鬼 牟尼文化 百善孝為先 竹窗隨筆 老子 老和尚 考驗 肉食有毒 自在 自在往生 自知者明 自尋煩惱 色字頭上一把刀 色即是空空即是色 西方極樂世界 西方確指 佛卡 佛陀是無上大醫王 佛教 佛教典籍 佛教經典 佛教藝術 佛說三世因果經 作自己的主人 你即是佛 你知道嗎 利根 妙蓮老和尚 孝道 孝養父母 弟子規 志氣 忘恩負義 戒邪淫 戒律 改過 改過之法 改過就是改命 改變 改變命運的鑰匙 走陰差 身心性命 京瓷人物 依靠 命運 孟子 宗教 定弘法師 往生 忠恕 念佛 念佛了生死 念佛真實故事 念佛超薦儀軌 念佛感應故事 念佛感應錄 念頭 抹黑 明心見性 明心見性見性成佛 明白人 明理 法寶 知心人 花報 金山活佛神異錄 金剛經 金剛經說甚麼 長壽的秘訣 長輩圖 阿修羅 地獄 阿彌陀佛 阿彌陀佛的誓願 阿彌陀佛語錄 附身 信願 信願持名 信願持名求生淨土 前因後果 南無地藏王菩薩 南無阿彌陀佛 南懷瑾先生 城隍 宣化上人 故事 星雲大師 是心作佛是心是佛 是道則進非道則退 活佛 活法 活著 皈依 相信 研究 紀曉嵐寫的因果故事 紀曉嵐寫的因果故事精選集 胡思亂想 計較 修行 修行是要當個明白人 冤家對頭 冤親債主 哲學 唐三藏 家訓 家教 悟道 悟道法師 書法 格言 浮生若夢 涅槃 消業障 真人真事 真心 真信切願 真理 真誠清淨平等正覺慈悲 真實故事 祖訓 祝壽 祝福 秘密 能作主 般若波羅密多心經 般若波羅蜜多 般若波羅蜜多心經 草堂清 討債 高僧大德 高僧傳 鬼故事 鬼神 偈頌 唯信能入 問題 國文 國王 執著 堅定 寄庫 將心比心 帶業往生 庸人自擾 從不求回報 從金剛經到無量壽經 患得患失 惜福就是惜命 教子模範 殺業最礙往生 淨土 淨土三經ㄧ論大意 淨土法門 淨空老法師 淨空法師 淨空法師語錄 淨界法師 清淨 清朝大學士紀曉嵐 習慣 聊齋志異 莖草集 貪瞋癡 郭惠珍醫師道證法師 閉關 陰曹地府 善知識 善待自己 善財童子五十三參 善惡果報都有因果 報怨 富貴豈免輪迴 普賢行願品 智慧 智慧100 智慧掌中書 曾仕強教授 無上 無上正等正覺 無上咒 無心 無心三昧 無住生心集 無我 無怨無悔 無為 無常 無愧於心 無價之寶 煮雲法師 煮雲法師全集 結緣品 菩提心 菩薩示現 開悟 開智慧 黃念祖老居士 黃柏霖警官 傳家之寶 傳家寶 圓滿 愛因斯坦 感應 楞嚴經 楞嚴經修學法要 業力 業消智朗 業障 業障深重 極樂寺 毀謗 當局者迷旁觀者清 萬法歸一一歸何處 萬物皆有靈 萬惡淫為首 經典語錄長輩圖 聖人訓 聖嚴法師 解惑叮嚀語 解鈴還須繫鈴人 跟古人學智慧 農曆七月 道家 道德 道德經是帝王學 道證法師 預知 預知時至 壽康寶鑒 漢字 禍福 福報 福德 福薄 精華 維摩詰的花雨滿天 語錄 誡子書 誤會 說文解字 障福障慧 障礙 墮胎 廣欽老和尚 廣欽老和尚語錄 影響 德不孤必有鄰 慧淨法師 樂極生悲 瞋為毒根 確有其事 稻盛和夫 蓮池大師 蓮池海會念佛往生見聞記 蔡禮旭老師 論語 諸葛亮 醉生夢死 閱微草堂筆記 靠山 養生之道 墨寶 儒家 學以致用 學佛 學校沒有教的事 學問 憨山大師 橫出三界 歷史 燒金紙 親身體驗 諾那祖師 閻王爺 隨身法寶 隨身書 靜心 靜老說的話 嬰靈 聰明不能敵業 臨終 臨濟宗僧人 歸元守一 謹慎 轉念 證道歌 證嚴法師靜思語 願意 顛倒 懺悔 竇燕山 蘇東坡 覺正淨 覺而不迷 覺醒 譬喻 釋迦牟尼佛 鐘茂森博士 蠟燭 觀世音 觀自在 觀照 Avalokiteśvara Eliminate-karma Great Master Yìnguāng karma-story KDDI人物 longevity The secret YouTube



玄一筆記 今日11


《金山活佛神異錄》(Jinshan huofo)

【病極垂死,鬼友屢現】民國以來,真人真事──生死之交(ghost friend)

《廣欽老和尚開示錄》Analects of Master Kuang Chin


㊙️民之從事,常於幾成而敗之。慎終如始,則無敗事。禍莫大於輕敵,輕敵幾喪吾寶。——《老子他說》(Lao Tzu, he said)




࿐弘一法師渡人無數的14句經典語錄,令人大徹大悟࿐- master hong yi - Classic Quotes


《廣欽老和尚開示錄》Analects of Master Kuang Chin

《母親的教誨改變我的一生》讀後感 - 原創/花海雲裳

有爸在,天就在;有媽在,家就在,人這一生誰都不欠,只欠父母的。父母是什麼?一聲父親叫的何其簡單,他卻甘為你做了一輩子的靠山;一聲母親叫的何其容易,她卻為你傾儘自己一生,一生無怨無悔,從不求回報。(What are parents?)




《五福臨門》陳柏達居士著 - Five blessings in a row

《人生不能等待的兩件事》孝順與行善,上可慰親心,下可免災殃,人生無常,行孝行善不能等,須速從當下。(Two things you can’t wait for in life)